Come see Anibit at Rarsfest

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If you can make it to Raleigh, North Carolina this Saturday, April 4th, come checkout Anibit at the 43rd annual RARSFest, the Raleigh Hamfest. If all the cool things you can do and see at Hamfest weren't enough, we will have a lot of items for sale from without the shipping!

RARSfest is at the North Carolina State fairground, in the Jim Graham Building. The address is 1025 Blue Ridge Rd, Raleigh NC 27607.

RARSfest runs from 8AM-330PM. Admission is $10, 16 and under are free. Parking is free.

See you there!


3Pi Progammer For Windows now available

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Available now is our FREE offline graphical programming tool for Windows.

This has similar programming capabilities to our online version, but runs from local files on Windows, and can interact with the Arduino software to automate uploading code to the 3Pi Robot with single click.

Check out the project page, or download the initial release here.

Maniacal Labs Explores the ESP8266

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Our friends over at Maniacal Labs did some playing around with the ESP8266 Wifi serial board. Daniel Ternes did a write-up on his experience getting a "hello world" up and and running and enumerated his lessons learned. He also talked about the steps he went through to update the firmware on the device that enabled it to run at baud rates higher that 9600bps.

Danial had to do a lot of digging to find the files and utilities needed to do the update. It's worth bookmarking the post for helpful hints if your just getting started with Wifi yourself.

We'll do some digging around and find all the latest and greatest tools and firmware, and libraries, and put link or host on our own page for the beastie.


New Tool - Programming Robots Visually.

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This is something we've been cooking up for a while, and it's finally ready to shrinkwrap and deliver to the masses.

Introducing the FREE Anibit Graphical Programmer for the Pololu 3pi Robot.

Here is what it looks like in action:

We have adapted a graphical programming environment for the Arduino known as "Blocklyduino" to be tailored to Pololu's 3Pi Robot Platform. Blocklyduino is itself an adaptation of Blockly, a software package for developers to create graphical programming environments.


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