Dev Boards

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Development Boards, such as Arduino, that include a microcontroller and often other supporting circuitry.

Little Wire on Digispark Shield Kit


The Little Wire on Digispark Shield Kit provides a Little Wire compatible pinout on the Digispark. This allows the Digispark to be easily used as a Little Wire device, with the Little Wire firmware and libraries. The shield also provide pull-ups for the I2C lines, which can be enabled by an included jumper, and an external power jumper. The kit also includes a 6 pin IDC cable for connecting to other circuits or to standard 6-pin AVR ISP headers for programming AVR chips.

Price: $4.95

Digispark AVR Development Board Beginner Kit


The perfect way to jump into the Digispark platform!

While the starter kit comes with a prototype board - this kit comes with a wings shield and set of stackable headers - this is a better way to get started if you are going to be connecting to existing modules using hook up wires or jumpers.


External Resources

Price: $16.95

Digispark AVR Development Board


The Digispark is an Attiny85 based microcontroller development board similar to the Arduino line, only cheaper, smaller, and a bit less powerful. With a whole host of shields to extend its functionality and the ability to use the familiar Arduino IDE the Digispark is a great way to jump into electronics, or perfect for when an Arduino is too big or too much.

The Digispark is shipped fully assembled except for the two included and easy to solder headers.

Here are the specs:

Price: $8.95

Adafruit Trinket AVR Development board, 3.3 Volt version


Trinket may be small, but do not be fooled by its size! It's a tiny microcontroller board, built around the Atmel ATtiny85, a little chip with a lot of power. We wanted to design a microcontroller board that was small enough to fit into any project, and low cost enough to use without hesitation. Perfect for when you don't want to give up your expensive dev-board and you aren't willing to take apart the project you worked so hard to design. It's our lowest-cost arduino-IDE programmable board!

Price: $7.95

Adafruit Trinket AVR Development board, 5 Volt version


Trinket may be small, but do not be fooled by its size! It's a tiny microcontroller board, built around the Atmel ATtiny85, a little chip with a lot of power. We wanted to design a microcontroller board that was small enough to fit into any project, and low cost enough to use without hesitation. Perfect for when you don't want to give up your expensive dev-board and you aren't willing to take apart the project you worked so hard to design. It's our lowest-cost arduino-IDE programmable board!

Price: $7.95


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