Dev Boards

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Development Boards, such as Arduino, that include a microcontroller and often other supporting circuitry.

Arduino UNO R3


We're proud to offer a genuine Arduino, the hacker board that has elevated interest in embedded computing around the globe!

To say that the Arduino is a powerful player in the Maker movement would be an understatement at best. The Arduino family of developer boards are one of the easiest ways to get started in embedded development for beginners.

This is an Arduino UNO, it is very similar in capabilities to the Arduino Leonardo.

Please see Arduino Getting Started for more tips on getting started.

Price: $29.95

Digispark Breakout Kit Version B


The Breakout Shield Kit breaks out each i/o connection on the Digispark development board and provides them as three pin headers with a 5V, Gnd, and i/o pin for each. This allows the easy connection of third-party and homemade sensors, servos, and more. The Version A kit provides headers in the order of GND / 5V / I/O Pin Version B kit provides headers in the order of GND / I/O Pin / 5V

This is an unassembled kit and requires basic soldering. Use of it requires surface mount soldering. This is designed for use with the Digispark development board, which is not included.

Price: $3.95

Digispark Breakout Kit Version A


The Breakout Shield Kit breaks out each i/o connection on the Digispark development board and provides them as three pin headers with a 5V, Gnd, and i/o pin for each. This allows the easy connection of third-party and homemade sensors, servos, and more. The Version A kit provides headers in the order of GND / 5V / I/O Pin Version B kit provides headers in the order of GND / I/O Pin / 5V

This is an unassembled kit and requires basic soldering. Use of it requires surface mount soldering. This is designed for use with the Digispark development board, which is not included.

Price: $3.95

Digispark I/O Expander Kit


The Expander Shield Kit allows you to build a Digispark shield which connects a PCF8574P Remote 8-bit I/O expander IC to the Digispark development board. It communicates with the Digispark over the I2C bus and provides 8 more digital i/o pins that can be controlled by the Digispark.

This is an unassembled kit and requires basic soldering. This is designed for use with the Digispark development board, which is not included.


Price: $6.95

Digispark Boost Kit


The Boost Shield Kit allows you to use supply voltages under 5v with the Digispark development board. The Boost Shield boosts a 2-4.5v supply (including 2 aa or aaa batteries, or on lipoly) to 5v and connects directly to the Digispark.

This is an unassembled kit and requires basic soldering. This is designed for use with the Digispark development board, which is not included.

This kit is based on the MintyBoost design by Adafruit!


Price: $11.95


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