We've been slow to update content on the site lately, and a HUGE reason behind that was that we were simply more concerned about the performance and stability of the the site that the contents itself. I use "we" a lot in the vernacular of this site, but in truth Anibit is just one guy. I have a loving wife and family that supports me and occasionally helps out (or puts up with me), but I have no staff, I do it all. I use "we" so that when I have a staff of 10,000, I don't have to make one of them edit all the pages. In seriousness, it helps me to make it feel more like a real company, that it is more than just "me", it is me and Anibit, "we". But I manage the software, maintain the patches, enter content, create graphics, develop code, debug code, measure performance, research new products, develop new products, and do software development consulting and laser services. I'm constantly feeling like I'm spread to thin to get anything done, yet constantly amazing with myself when I look back at what I've accomplished. This summer took much of the wind out of my sails with a tragic personal event, and I've struggled to make a full comeback since.
There's a new bug-fix release for the Anibit Graphical 3Pi programmer for Windows. This release should be a lot smarter about discovering your Arduino Setup.
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