Anibit's blog

Hello World

Anibit's picture

The first "Anibit Original" is in stock and available.

Light Dancer is a simple kit utilizing software PWM ("pulse-width modulation") to animate lights on an ATtiny MCU.

Pretty simple, you may think. I figured that a good way to "cut my teeth" on product life cycle, development, and fulfillment, was to start with a very simple project, and bring it though all the stages. Anibit is a one man show right now, and I have a day job on top of that, so something might move slowly at first, until I find my groove.

That being said, I think the software I wrote for it is nice. If your going to blink an LED, you may as well do it with style. I intend to release most software I develop for Anibit as open source, unless there are legal reasons I cannot, or perhaps if the software is the product (I am a Software Engineer by trade, and have tried to sell my own work). The code is posted on our GitHub page (linked to on the product page).

Grand Opening!

Anibit's picture

Anibit is officially kicked off! It's been a long time in planning and getting this website ready. The paint is still drying. I should have some original projects up soon, and have some catalog items in stock over the next few days.


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