Hello World

Anibit's picture

The first "Anibit Original" is in stock and available.

Light Dancer is a simple kit utilizing software PWM ("pulse-width modulation") to animate lights on an ATtiny MCU.

Pretty simple, you may think. I figured that a good way to "cut my teeth" on product life cycle, development, and fulfillment, was to start with a very simple project, and bring it though all the stages. Anibit is a one man show right now, and I have a day job on top of that, so something might move slowly at first, until I find my groove.

That being said, I think the software I wrote for it is nice. If your going to blink an LED, you may as well do it with style. I intend to release most software I develop for Anibit as open source, unless there are legal reasons I cannot, or perhaps if the software is the product (I am a Software Engineer by trade, and have tried to sell my own work). The code is posted on our GitHub page (linked to on the product page).

I have a metric ton of projects, products, tools, and neat things in store for this site, stay tuned!
