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Proto Screwshield kit


The next generation Proto-ScrewShield is a dual-purpose prototyping shield. Now only does it have a large 0.1" grid prototyping area but it also extends the Arduino pins to sturdy, secure, and dependable screw terminal blocks. You even get a few bonus terminals for extra GND and four 'free' terminals for whatever connections you wish!
The stack-able wing design allows you slip this under any shield and still get easy access to the "analog" & "digital" ports of the Arduino. The ScrewShield can be stacked above or below pretty much every other shield.

Price: $16.00

Pololu USB AVR programmer


This device is a programmer for AVR-based controllers, such as the 3pi robot. The programmer emulates an STK500 on a virtual serial port, making it compatible with standard AVR programming software. Two additional features help with building and debugging projects: a TTL-level serial port for general-purpose communication and a SLO-scope for monitoring signals and voltage levels. A USB cable and ISP cable are included.

Price: $19.95


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