Light Dancer Kit




Kit Includes:

  • 1 Pre-programmed AtTiny85 in DIP form factor
  • 3 Green "ultra bright" 5mm LEDs
  • 3 Blue "ultra bright" 5mm LEDs
  • 6 Current limiting resistors, 470 ohms, 1/4 Watt.

Based on an AtTiny85 8-pin chip, this is preprogrammed with the "Light Dancer" firmware, available here.

This firmware is good for use in sign lighting, and all six available pins on the ATtiny 85/45 are used*.

This firmware will randomly play one of five animations of light patterns.

The 5 patterns are:

  • Chase - a single output is lit, and "chases" in succession through all outputs.
  • Pulse - all outputs pulse in unison
  • 'Even Odd' - half the outputs are on at any one time, and blink alternatively
  • Chase 2 - All outputs participate in a gradual fade in and out
  • Random Pop - Random, single outputs fade in and out.

You may see some of the animations in action here:

And here you can see some practical use in a sign with the Anibit logo.

*Note that since the reset is disabled and used as a general purpose I/O. This chip cannot be reprogrammed with ISP, it can only be programmed with "High Voltage Serial Programming".

SKU: PPC01001
List price: $5.00



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Price: $5.00
Weight: 1 oz
Dimensions: 1 in × 1 in × 0.5 in


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Bugsley's picture

How do I rate this item? I tried the stars on the prouuct page no luck.
I purchased this item and would like to rate it.
5 Stars
The only suggestion I will mention is, provide more shipping options if possible.
I got through fast. I just wasn't in a hurry. Great site!


spider's picture

I just realized that I don't get notifications for comments. I'm still working out the kinks in the site.

You should be able to click on the star ratings. It could be that last time you tried, you were still too new of a user(to keep out bots and spammers, I have some features that are automatically disabled until account ages a little bit)

I also didn't realize that your comment went to moderation. I'll look into that too.

What other shipping options would you like to see? Cheaper? A different carrier?

I really appreciate the feedback! If you have any questions about the Light Dancer or anything else, I do check the forums, even though they're not very active yet.