Stepper Motor: Bipolar 200 Steps/rev Nema 17



This hybrid bipolar stepping motor has a 1.8° step angle (200 steps/revolution). Each phase draws 1.7 A at 2.8 V, allowing for a holding torque of 3.7 kg-cm (51 oz-in). The motor has four color-coded wires terminated with bare leads: black and green connect to one coil; red and blue connect to the other. It can be controlled by a pair of suitable H-bridges (one for each coil), but we recommend using a bipolar stepper motor driver.

Though not shown in the diagram, the output is a D-shaft with a section that is flattened by 0.5 mm.


  • Size:     42.3 mm square × 38 mm (NEMA 17)
  • NEMA size:     17
  • Weight:     285 g (10 oz)
  • Shaft diameter:     5 mm "D"
  • Steps per revolution:     200
  • Current rating:     1.68 A per coil
  • Voltage rating:     2.8 V
  • Resistance:     1.65 Ohm per coil
  • Holding torque:     3.7 kg-cm (51 oz·in)
  • Inductance:     3.2 mH per coil
  • Lead length:     12 in

SKU: MTR02002
List price: $16.95



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Price: $16.95
Weight: 285 g
Dimensions: 42.3 mm × 42.3 mm × 38 mm

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