Blend Micro is Red Bear Labs' first integrated development board, they "blend"ed Arduino with Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy (aka BLE or Bluetooth Smart) into a single board. It is targeted for makers to develop low power Internet-Of-Things (IoT) projects quickly and easily.
It features a an Atmel ATmega32u4 microcontroller, and a Nordic nRF8001 BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) chip. Blend Micro runs BLE as a peripheral role only.
It works with iOS 7 devices, and should work with most Android 4.3+ devices that have Bluetooth 4.0 hardware.
PC requirements:
Windows 8.1 with Bluetooth 4.0 hardware
Apple OSX 10.9.2 with built-in Bluetooth 4.0 hardware
Linux with BlueZ 5.1 with Bluetooth 4.0 hardware
- First BLE + Arduino device in the Arduino At Heart program
- Works with Nordic Bluetooth Smart SDK for Arduino
- Software development using the arduino IDE
- Over-the-air download of code (coming soon)
- Supported by Red Bear Labs' Android and iOS Apps
- Microcontroller: Atmel ATega 32u4
- Wireless Chipset: Nordic nRF8001
- Operating Voltage: 3.3V
- Supply Voltage: 5V (USB), 3.3-12V (VIN) (mutually exclusive)
- Clock Speed: 8MHz
- Communications:
- Bluetooth 4.0 BLE
- micro USB
- Serial UART
- I2C
- Flash Space: 32kb (4kb used by bootloader)
- RAM: 2.5kb
- EEPROM: 1kb
- Power consumption: 2mA (using interrupt mode)
- # of I/o pins: 24
- Addon for Arduino IDE
- Nordic nRF8001 SDK for Arduino
- Red Bear Labs' nRF8001 Library
- Signed Drivers for Windows
- Red Bears Labs Blend Micro Page