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maker:listofsoftwareformakers [2014/09/14 01:21]
maker:listofsoftwareformakers [2015/05/24 07:25] (current)
Anibit [HeeksCNC]
Line 101: Line 101:
 {{page>​maker:​reviews:​heekscnc&​nodate&​nouser&​noheader&​indent&​firstseconly&​nocomments}} {{page>​maker:​reviews:​heekscnc&​nodate&​nouser&​noheader&​indent&​firstseconly&​nocomments}}
-http://​​2014/​03/​heekscnc-10.html ((since originally listing thiswe have discovered that it technically does not meet the requirements  +http://​​2014/​03/​heekscnc-10.html ((You can buy the Windows binaryor build it yourself. HeeksCNC is a nice piece of software, please consider purchasing it.))
-for this list. HeeksCNC is a nice piece of software, please consider purchasing it, but it will probably disappear from this list))+
 {{:​windows.jpg}} {{:​linux.jpg}} {{:​windows.jpg}} {{:​linux.jpg}}
maker/listofsoftwareformakers.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/24 07:25 by Anibit