This is a page for collecting information and links about the very popular ESP8266 serial Wifi transceiver used in many "Internet of Things" hobbyist projects. If you have something you'd like to add, feel free to create an account an edit this page. ====== Overview ====== The ESP8266 is a low cost Wifi enabled chip that implements the IEEE 802.11 protocol and can communicate with a microcontroller over a serial interface. ===== Features ===== * Supports 802.11 b/g/n Wifi, with WPA and WPA2 * 96kb program RAM * 64kb data RAM * 512kb flash storage * runs at 80Mhz * Integrated TCP stack ===== Documentation links ===== * **The** canonical [[| place to go ]] if you're interested in hacking the inner guts of the ESP8266 * [[|Hack a day writeup on how to program the device itself]] * [[|Very good Wiki page on github about this chip]] ===== Support Libraries an Firmware Links ===== * [[ | WS2812 (Aka 'Neopixel') Driver firmware]] ===== Really cool projects using the ESP 8266 ==== ~~DISCUSSION~~