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maker:esp8266 [2015/03/31 21:31]
Anibit created
maker:esp8266 [2015/05/21 18:07] (current)
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 ===== Features ===== ===== Features =====
 +  * Supports 802.11 b/g/n Wifi, with WPA and WPA2
 +  * 96kb program RAM
 +  * 64kb data RAM
 +  * 512kb flash storage
 +  * runs at 80Mhz
 +  * Integrated TCP stack
 ===== Documentation links ===== ===== Documentation links =====
 +  * **The** canonical [[https://​​ESP8266| ​ place to go ]] if you're interested in hacking the inner guts of the ESP8266
 +  * [[http://​​2015/​03/​18/​how-to-directly-program-an-inexpensive-esp8266-wifi-module/​|Hack a day writeup on how to program the device itself]]
 +  * [[https://​​esp8266/​esp8266-wiki/​wiki|Very good Wiki page on github about this chip]]
 ===== Support Libraries an Firmware Links ===== ===== Support Libraries an Firmware Links =====
 +  * [[https://​​cnlohr/​ws2812esp8266 | WS2812 (Aka '​Neopixel'​) Driver firmware]]
 ===== Really cool projects using the ESP 8266 ==== ===== Really cool projects using the ESP 8266 ====
maker/esp8266.1427837464.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/03/31 21:31 by Anibit