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maker:designinggears [2015/05/21 20:51]
maker:designinggears [2015/05/21 21:01] (current)
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 (Free, Windows, Linux, Mac) (Free, Windows, Linux, Mac)
 +Inkscape [[https://​​en/​|https://​​en/​]]
 +Is a vector-drawing program that ships with a basic gear generation extension built in. Given that Inkscape is more "​Art-centric"​ than mechanical design, it's use is good for a stating point, but you'll often have to import the result into another editor to tweak the resulting model.
 ===== Honorable mention ===== ===== Honorable mention =====
maker/designinggears.txt ยท Last modified: 2015/05/21 21:01 by Anibit